Using an external SMTP server with GitLab

GitLab 7 (Omnibus)

Edit the /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file to match your SMTP servers settings and credentials. e.g.:

gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = true
gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = "smtp.server"
gitlab_rails['smtp_port'] = 456
gitlab_rails['smtp_user_name'] = "smtp user"
gitlab_rails['smtp_password'] = "smtp password"
gitlab_rails['smtp_domain'] = ""
gitlab_rails['smtp_authentication'] = "login"
gitlab_rails['smtp_enable_starttls_auto'] = true

# If your SMTP server does not like the default 'From: gitlab@localhost' you
# can change the 'From' with this setting.
gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = ''

Now run:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure


GitLab 6 & 7 (Manual Install)

First edit the config/environments/production.rb file, to configure GitLab to use SMTP by default; change the line:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail


config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

Now make a copy of the smtp_settings.rb.sample file:

# cp config/initializers/smtp_settings.rb.sample config/initializers/smtp_settings.rb

And edit the appropiate settings (address, port, username, password, etc...):

# To enable smtp email delivery for your GitLab instance do next:
# 1. Rename this file to smtp_settings.rb
# 2. Edit settings inside this file
# 3. Restart GitLab instance
if Rails.env.production?
  Gitlab::Application.config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

  ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
    address: "",
    port: 465,
    user_name: "smtp",
    password: "123456",
    domain: "",
    authentication: :login,
    enable_starttls_auto: true

Here are a couple of example settings:


config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
  :address              => "",
  :port                 => 587,
  :domain               => '',
  :user_name            => '',
  :password             => 'password',
  :authentication       =>  :plain,
  :enable_starttls_auto => true


config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
  :address              => "",
  :port                 => 587,
  :domain               => '',
  :user_name            => '',
  :password             => 'password',
  :authentication       =>  :plain,
  :enable_starttls_auto => true

Restart GitLab & nginx:

# service gitlab restart
# service nginx restart

That's it, you're done.